Tiago Alves Costa (Portugal) is a poet, essayist and translator. His work was published in Portugal and Galicia, including his latest book, “Zizek Vai ao Ginásio” (Através Editora, 2019) - Honorable Mention in the Glória de Sant'Anna 2020 International Poetry Award.
He has collaborations in magazines from different countries, including Brazil, United Kingdom, Portugal, Galicia and Spain. His poetry was published in several of anthologies, among which the “Anthology of Ibero-American Poetry” (2018). His first experience in short story "The door of recognition" was awarded at the 27th edition of the Prize Narración Breves Manuel Murguía (Arteixo, Spain)". He is editor of the Arts and Letters magazine Palavra Comum. And he is the first Portuguese to become a member of the Association of Writers at Galician Language (AELG).
He has a Degree in Advertising and is postgraduate in Creativity and Innovation from the Tompkins Cortland Community College (USA). He lives and writes in A Coruña since 2009.